解决MakerBot Error 57
在更换了新的Makerbot Desktop之后出现了这个故障,多方搜索找到了冷门的解决办法,期间发现这个问题挺普遍,故写中英双语版本节省更多人的时间。/ This Error happened after installing new Makerbot Desktop software. I found a solution after searching for a long time. As it seems to be a common problem, I add a English translation to save more people’s time.
MakerBot Mini寻找位置时温度正常,开始打印后温度逐渐降低,然后显示“Error 57: Heater Temperature Sag triggered”。点击Resume重新加热,过一会儿问题依旧。如果你在MakerBot Print自动更新后也遇到这个问题,别急着送修,也许是软件的问题。
Things went well when my MakerBot Mini was heating up and finding position. After it started printing, its temperature kept decending and then thrown an error saying “Error 57: Heater Temperature Sag triggered”. The error came out again after I clicked “Resume” to heat it up. If you also met this problem after MakerBot Print update, it may be the software that caused the problem.
要解决这个问题,首先访问这个链接下载旧版软件MakerBot Desktop,然后尝试打印。如果机器在MakerBot Print自动更新前能正常打印,现在应该也没有问题。否则,乖乖送修吧。
To solve the problem, click here to download MakerBot Desktop and retry. If it could print properly before the problematic update, everything should return to normal now. Otherwise, turn to the repair shop without hesitation.